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All posts by Frode
NOT playing the Hove Showcase
Rebolt was picked as one of 14 out of 200 bands to play at one of the showcases of the Hove festival (one of Norway’s biggest festivals) at Kroa i Bø this Friday. But due to late confirmation from the festival, we had to say no to the offer. It’s somewhat frustrating as we would’ve had the chance to play at the festival this June, but some of us have to work as well, not just play in a band!
The math of it
Our two releases “Made In Spite EP” (2006) and our promo-cd from 2007 has received a lot of praise and downloads from the users of, a music site that offers free quality music. Check it out:
“Made In Spite” has been given a 9.1 out of 10 rating, 2864 listens, 384 downloads (whole album) and has been starred as a favorite album 43 times (since March 01 2007).
“Promo 2007“ has been given a 7.2 rating, 97 listens, 111 downloads (whole album) and starred 15 times (since January 15 2008).
Along with 5005 downloads on, 728 downloads from Uhø, 1390 downloads from NRK Urørt (434 listens), and 6523 plays on Myspace, we can say we have an audience out there! We’are also on several other sites, so the numbers are higher.
Let’s sum up: People around the world has downloaded at least 9000 of our songs + been listening to us at least 10 000 times. And let’s not forget the sale of about 300 cd’s of “Made In Spite” and sales on Itunes. We’re not getting rich, but we are getting heard!
We are in fact writing new songs! Bård has come up with some great riffs, and we’ve been sending stuff back and forth via mail. Hopefully it will lead to something… 😉
If you have received an email inviting you to this weekend, seemingly from us, it is not sent from us willingly. There must be some bugs in the site and this has caused a mass invitation to be sent out to all of the contacts of Rebolt, even banks and telephone companies! We apologize, but it’s not our fault!
Kristian interviewed
Our drummer Kristian interviewed by local newspaper Varden about his hearing problems. Read it here (norwegian).
Rebolt – “Lemmy’s Heart”
Watch the actual clip from the ski movie “Kong Vinter IV – The Lost Hygge” featuring Rebolt here!
Rebolt on Facebook
Check us out here and become a fan! 🙂
Lemmy featured on ski movie soundtrack
One of our most beloved songs, “Lemmy’s Heart”, are one of the songs on the soundtrack of the ski movie “Kong Vinter 4 – The Lost Hygge” which will be released in December trough the magazine “Fri Flyt” and several Intersport-stores in Norway. These are high quality movies and known throughout the world for it, and we are proud to be a small part of it! The movie is released in 20.000 copies, so there’s a good chance a lot of people will be stomping their feet too “Lemmy” while watching some crazy bastards throw themselves down a mountain side! You can listen to the song here.
Updated: Here is the segment from the movie:
Turned down Zoom
We are sorry to say that because of Kristian’s hearing problems, we had to turn down the offer to play the “Zoom”-contest (a sort of norwegian Battle Of The Bands) in Kristiansand on the 17th of October. We were 1 of 8 bands, out of 37 competing to get the offer to play, so it was with really sad feelings we had to to turn it down. But we will try next year!